The full moon ceremony

The full moon ceremony is meant to cleanse away all attachments, shame, disappointments, hurts, known or unknown to us, that have prevented us from experiencing the LOVE of all things within us. It’s a simple ritual to recognize the presence of the moon’s energy in your life cycles in just 15 minutes (you can set a timer, like I do), sitting on the ground (earth). You may want to be in the dark or put a towel or something over your eyes to darken the light while you meditate and imagine all the energies of what no longer serves you or what you want to let go of, either known or unknown to you, be released into the Earth and see them turn into dust. Imagine yourself as a garden without plants but fertile, imagine yourself as fertile soil, imagine your dream landscape as a garden ready to welcome new flowers and aromatic plants 

Then, after 15 minutes, remove the mask from your eyes and light a candle

Now sit back and focus on the light of the candle

Don’t focus on all the things you want, just focus on the light

Set a time for an additional 15 minutes

For the next 15 minutes, focus on the light, imagine the light filling your body, and especially your mind, then imagine that the light inside becomes so bright that it begins to burst from within you and that this light shines brightly throughout the universe and heals you and the whole world

You can imagine it as fire burning, transforming and transmuting the negative, replacing it with the wish or desire for your greater abundance

I honor the light in you which is the love of all things

without your existence, the light of the Universe would fade and all existence would feel your absence

Allow the energies of liberation and freedom to rain down on you, while raising your vibration to the level of pure source and creation energy

Many blessings

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